Today’s Guest is Angela Henderson author of Isaac’s Ice Cream Tree and Isaac and Izzy’s Treehouse.
We talk about why she loves picture books, how she brings her books alive when she reads to groups of children and the power of collaboration between authors and illustrators.
About Angela

Angela Henderson
Angela Henderson resides in Dallas, Texas, where she teaches middle school English Language Arts & Reading and is a mother of three. Exploring children’s books for twelve years with her own children during numerous “story times” at the local library and reading hundreds of books to her children, her passion for quality children’s literature led her to write her own work. After creating her blog and Facebook page, Kidsbook Friends, and her Instagram, KidsBookFriends_Instabooks, she’s been able to share her love of literature with over a thousand followers by featuring authors and books. She’s thrilled to introduce her own creative story where magical moments lead to positive perspectives.
Books by Angela
Interesting things from the Interview
Looking for a fun way to end the school year with your students during at-home learning? How about an Virtual Author Visit at their end-of-the-year party *with a Personal Author Visit later? Your students will be the FIRST to hear my new book, Isaac & Izzy’s Tree House, as my publisher is releasing it May 2020. Let me bring the PARTY to your school event. *For schools outside DFW, if we cannot schedule a personal visit, I’d love to do our virtual party now and a special FaceTime Live event with your students next school year. My publisher can ship signed books to your school!
If you’d like to have Angela visit your school contact Angela at
Check out the video from Angela for more details:
Isaac and Izzy’s Treehouse Launch
See more from the illustrator Rachael Koppendrayer
Other Children’s Books Authors and Illustrators
Elsa Kleven –
Julia Rawlinson –
Peter H. Reynolds (The Dot) –
Eric Carle –
Also Mentioned:
Madaleine L’Engle –
Call to Action
Try to find Wonder in the little things from squirrels playing in trees to flowers in the garden.
We’d love to hear your stories of finding child like wonder in our daily lives so lease post your answer or answers in the comments below or in our Community.